Wednesday, October 10, 2012

How is everyone??

Been very quiet over here at the Cherry Tree blog...wondering how all of you are doing...

Just thought I would do a quick update on my own progress or lack thereof...I ran into some issues with the machine basting on my quilt and long story short, some of my very special applique friends came out to the house and helped rebaste the entire quilt by hand last week. It is now perfectly smooth, layered beautifully and ready to resume handquilting as the nights are turning chilly and outdoor chores are winding down. This quilt was packed into a special wrapper and traveled with us all through Canada and Alaska this summer. When did I think any time would be available to work on this? 

Just 2 photos to post  showing everyone hard at work with the basting. One of the ladies kept us continually supplied with threaded basting needles - how nice is that?!!
Looking forward to hearing where you are at with your quilt...
