Monday, August 8, 2011

Another #13

I put off making block #13 because it has a different feel from many of the others.   It has lots of diverse elements as well as being asymmetrical.

I changed the colour recipe slightly, too.

I am now back in the groove with this project.  I got stuck on #16 and never recovered.  It has been shelved while I work on other blocks.   I am sure I will come back to it.  Only one more bunch of grapes to sew but it seems it was a bunch too many.

Now onto #5.


  1. I love it Liz! The colors look wonderful.

  2. Wow! That is lovely! I sympathise with your grapes - I saw that block and thought this project is not for me but I do like watching...!

  3. I really like the large central flower, especially the bit of purple.

  4. Great fabrics. Yes, #16 got tedious. I made that my "take along" project, so waiting rooms and line ups slowly took care of it! I got almost a whole cluster sewn down in one dr's waiting room.

  5. I enlarged the photo and your workmanship os wonderful! I very much like this quilt block.

  6. Thank you ladies. You are such great support. This blog is helping me to keep on going with such a big commitment.

  7. So glad we could enlarge your photo - love all the different greens you used in this block...super great appliqueing too!
