Sunday, December 12, 2010

Block 15 under way

I have kind of started.  I do back basting applique, and have drawn the design onto my background.  My fabric is Moda 200 thread count muslin, which is just divine!  Love the feel of it.  I have chosen the basket fabric - well I think i have.....

Now, that centre flower, I think I will have to do that seperate.  If I am going to do all the layers, I will need to cut away behind each layer.  Normally I don't worry about one or two layers, but I think that one is about 5 layers.


  1. What is that basket fabric? Looks interesting!

  2. Woohoo! You are ambitious. I love that basket (possible basket) fabric. Me?...I am still working on getting ready for Christmas. No sewing here, but just a little knitting to keep my hands busy.

  3. Great fabric! If that's what you use, it will be an awesome basket/vase.
